We created a final brainstorm for our ideas to lay out exactly what we plan to do. This helped us with our pitch. The concept of the video is heartbreak which is something that can be easily related to by our target audience. The video follows a boy meets girl scenario that begins with the two main characters being in a playground (which link in with the lyrics throughout and will will use younger kids in a playground.) This is done in a vintage style as it reflects as a memory. The boy meets the girl in this part and tries to be friendly with the girl but she is annoyed and distant in return; causing the boy to be sad, the video then ends as the chorus comes in creating a new scenario. In the chorus it shows the boy and girl in a young adult age through having lots of different shaped and sized mirrors or having something in the mirror starring back at the man. As the videos cuts to the happiness, it shows the boy working in a bar and talking to a group of girls and he realises that one of the girls is the girl he used to know and the girl of his dreams (which reunites the two and also has a intertextual reference to Slumdog millionaire.)
They then go on four dates during the chorus in different settings, however the last one ends bad and they start to argue. He goes back to the bar where they recently met again and becomes depressed and there is a close up of a whiskey bottle. Every girl he sees go into the bar he begins to hallucinate into thinking every girl is 'his girl' which makes it hyper-real. When it goes to the chorus again, there is a split screen of the two in different locations in London. He meets his band and goes to preform on stage. He wants to perform the song he has wrote about the girl. He then sees her in the crowd with another boy. Then shot then cuts to his eye-line and the girl smirks and leaves the gig and shuts the door. It is a romantic genre of music video.
These are brainstorms from other people in our group to help us out with what ideas to chose for our final brainstorm.
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